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Topic: private tables intruded by players with admin privileges
Replies: 34   Views: 101,334   Pages: 3   Last Post: Dec 6, 2006, 7:27 PM by: karlw

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Registered: Feb 16, 2005
From: PA
Age: 41
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Re: private tables intruded by players with admin privileges
Posted: Nov 11, 2006, 12:24 AM

NOW .... as for "P" ..... I am not sure I have any answers to any of your questions .... but I will add I have seen her on another site recently ..........I did not get to talk to her though.... I do miss Partica..... the great almighty Partica .....please come back to us .....I need to play some speed .....hehehehehehehe


Posts: 160
Registered: Dec 27, 2004
From: Nowhere
Re: private tables intruded by players with admin privileges
Posted: Dec 3, 2006, 8:09 AM

she was here the other day, she popped in and left in like two minutes


Posts: 12
Registered: Jun 28, 2006
Re: private tables intruded by players with admin privileges
Posted: Dec 3, 2006, 9:59 PM

unfortunately it looks as if she'll be off the radar for some time fellas.....sorry, I tried tho....


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Re: private tables intruded by players with admin privileges
Posted: Dec 6, 2006, 10:56 AM

Thanks for keeping everyone updated darlin'! I LOVE YOU!

As for falling off the planet, I have tried a few times but gravity won't let me off the damn thing! That damn'd gravity!!!! I am not too far off and won't be gone for long (the whole gravity thing is getting in the damn way) and I hope that everyone is doing okay! I really miss this place and all of those I consider friends (you know who you are)!!!! I may be "off the radar" for a bit but don't think I have disappeared for good, afterall, I am THE pente addict! Hell I even created a 5-step program! LMAO

I hope to be back online when things in my life align with the planets!!! I look forward to visiting and whipping all your asses! (he-he )

Thanks for indicating I am missed! It is nice to be missed and....
KARL DON'T MAKE ME LOOK BAD FOR RECOMMENDING YOUR ADMIN STATUS YOU LIL ****! YOU READ ME???? Represent and do it in a good way! You know better than to do some of the things you have done and I am sure you are doing your best to make ammends! Don't make me put you in the corner young man!!!!!! YOU Read me???

Peace Love and Light to You All!


Posts: 970
Registered: Mar 7, 2006
From: Eugene, Oregon
Age: 36
Re: private tables intruded by players with admin privileges
Posted: Dec 6, 2006, 7:27 PM

You're preaching to the choir, par. I've undergone a complete personality overhaul, and am now a paragon of restraint and affability. etc etc.

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.
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