Mar 4, 2007
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Re: Game: valleyboy vs. pete777 05/18/2014
May 24, 2014, 8:24 PM
Hi Valleyboy,
Ummmm... Well, I have yet to hear of such a glitch. and the stone doesn't seem random as it blocks a threat... very strange. Do you have any room mates that would do that as a practical joke? I would maybe recommend you change your password, and make sure your browser does not save the password.
Are you seeking some sort of relief? On the up side, it seems the set ended in a draw with no points exchanged. If the points gain is important to you, perhaps pete777 would be willing to replay the games (same moves), but he also has the right to decline such a request. Also, If you and pete decide you guys want the set deleted, perhaps that can be doable. You would both need to make that request first, and then rainwolf would need to both approve it and have the ability to remove it without damaging the data base.
Never the less, if this becomes something that other members begin seeing happen, it could prove to be a very concerning issue. I don't think this was a glitch per say although im not ruling it out, as the stone seems somewhat thoughtfully placed. We don't have AI software involved in the TB games,.. and doesn't seem like an AI glitch anyways. To me just seems like human error, or human tampering. So, either you made a move and don't recall, or someone hacked into your account to play a prank. Im just speculating, but its the current appearance to me.
Let me know if this happens again.
And sorry to hear.
P.s. What browser and OS have you been using? multiple types?
Message was edited by: zoeyk at May 24, 2014 8:29 PM
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Re: Game: valleyboy vs. pete777 05/18/2014
May 24, 2014, 9:05 PM
Pete beats me often enough that one more won't really register...although each unique setup is of course a learning experience, all for the love of the game. It looked to me that Pete and I both made an extra move, out of sync with the flow of the game. Nothing like that since, just thought it odd and worth a report. Thanks for the attention, pente on.