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Topic: Iphone Access or App
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Re: iPhone, iPad, iPod Access
Posted: Jan 30, 2013, 6:53 PM

Well, real time play functionality already exists . . . sort of. The app knows when a play has been made in a TB game, so if both opponents are on line, they could play an entire game within a few minutes.

I've started a few TB games, and the app seems to be working fine. I really appreciate you taking the time to build this. If you do decide to update it at some point in the future, below are some ideas that you may want to include. Again, it works fine, but additional features are always nice.

forward/back buttons to review game
drop down list of people you have played in the past in the invite opponent box
Mark's computer AI opponent with ability to undo or back up to a certain point in the game, switch sides with computer, etc
iPad friendly, notifications, messages, real-time play (already mentioned)
ability to open and review "non-active" or past games
list opponent in header of active game table


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Re: iPhone, iPad, iPod Access
Posted: Jan 30, 2013, 7:57 PM

I'll do my best, sadly I can only devote (limited) spare time to this, and I'm not a programmer, so it'll take some time.

The app only knows what is on your dashboard, so if leave the app open without playing, it won't refresh automatically, it refreshes when you submit a move, send an invitation or pull down to refresh.


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Re: iPhone, iPad, iPod Access
Posted: Feb 5, 2013, 10:07 PM

Next update includes public invitations, easier stone placement and collapsible sections. After that going back and forth in games will be included, and whatever other goodies I can do.

What is this Mark's Computer AI you mentioned? Can you point me to a relevant source?


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Re: iPhone, iPad, iPod Access
Posted: Feb 5, 2013, 10:38 PM

Awesome! I've played several games so far without issue. The AI is the one used on this site for the game room computer opponent; also appears to be part of the Pente.org Android app. I don't know if Mark would share the code for your app, but sure would be cool if it worked out. Link's below.



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Re: iPhone, iPad, iPod Access
Posted: Feb 9, 2013, 4:51 AM

The public invitations are a nice touch.



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Re: iPhone, iPad, iPod Access
Posted: Feb 13, 2013, 6:38 AM

wow pretty cool. is there any way i can down load this with out having to use itunes? i dont have an i tunes account. and am a little lazy to make one. thanks.

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Re: iPhone, iPad, iPod Access
Posted: Feb 13, 2013, 10:31 AM

You can download it without iTunes, but not without an iTunes account, AFAIK. Just open the (iTunes) link I posted here earlier on your phone, and it should directly take you to the appstore.


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Re: iPhone, iPad, iPod Access
Posted: Feb 20, 2013, 2:49 AM

Nice update! Messages and game history.



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Re: iPhone, iPad, iPod Access
Posted: Feb 20, 2013, 3:36 AM

i just have a android phone

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Re: iPhone, iPad, iPod Access
Posted: Feb 20, 2013, 3:38 AM

and what does AFAIK mean? does it have to do with Aflack insurance lol?

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Re: iPhone, iPad, iPod Access
Posted: Feb 20, 2013, 9:39 AM

Thank you.
Sadly I broke sending invites from the app, that will be fixed in the next update (with some extra goodies) which will hopefully show up in 7 days, or less.

@zoeyk: The app is for iOS devices (iPod, iPhone and iPad) only. I have a genuine interest in bringing this to android phones, but I seriously lack the time, this is merely a hobby. Also, AFAIK = as far as I know


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Re: iPhone, iPad, iPod Access
Posted: Feb 20, 2013, 10:34 PM

Zoey, I don't have an android device to test it, but have you tried the app linked on this site?



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Re: iPhone, iPad, iPod Access
Posted: Feb 20, 2013, 11:50 PM

1- it is a 13 grid
2- it is just vs the comp
3- the ai opening book is no good. I was supposed to create a new AI opening book for it which i did start, but I got blind sided by 2 legal court cases and had to stop working on it unfortunately. the current AI i can beat as P2 or P1 in a hand full of moves the same way every time. So the prog is useless to me. if i ever make the new opening book whereby the AI would make opening moves from how zoeyk plays, then not to boast, but the AI would all of a sudden become interesting.


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Re: iPhone, iPad, iPod Access
Posted: Feb 25, 2013, 5:17 AM

App is shaping up nicely. Here's a few other nits to consider, only if you are still tweaking it. Thanks again for creating this!

Allow user to reply to existing or create new message from "non-active" game. A little flag or standard iOS badge indicator next to games with unread messages would also come in handy.

Put player names next to white/black stones at bottom.

Swipe to review game history is great. Show move number at bottom and add slider for quick access to any move.

Predictive text entry in the invite box is a nice touch, but perhaps a drop down list would be even more helpful. "New Player" could be first item in the list.

A new section called "Previous Games" with user defined keep X number of games in history, clear history, rematch, etc.

Add grid reference numbers/letters


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Re: iPhone, iPad, iPod Access
Posted: Feb 25, 2013, 11:38 AM

Thank you for the suggestions, I may try, depending on motivation and time. Note that screen real-estate is rather limited on an iPhone 4, but now I also have more space on an iPhone 5 with which I don't know what to do.

I plan to introduce badges together with notifications, but that will take a while since I need to build something server-side for that, and I have to start from scratch to find out how.

I like the predictive text a bit better than a drop-down list, because of the limited space, and with both you still need to start typing to get suggestions. I will think it over.

As for replying to previous messages, I don't think this website offers that functionality, there's also no flag, AFAIK, that tells me which messages are (un)read.

Anyhew, happy playing and happy coding

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