Jan 20, 2019
Salem Oregon
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Re: Color next to our player name
Apr 11, 2019, 11:20 PM
regarding watsu's concern about lost ratings in the contraction and reluctance of higher rated to play lower, the USCF uses ratings floors. The floor is 200 below the highest 100 achieved.
If we added floors, then mine would be 2300 (max 25xx so far). Yours would be 2500. If we fall to 2500 and lose, the opponent would get the normal points, but our loss would be set to 0.
regarding madmike's comments throughout....
Sorry to have been part of a thread hijacking. I of course agree that the color changes could be done independently of fixing the ratings system.
Re: Color next to our player name
Apr 12, 2019, 12:25 AM
@ madmike Well, one way to compare historical master ratings with today's is with players who have played both before and after the change to sets. Dmitri King's highest TB Pente rating was 28++ and he's never won a Pente tourney here, either then or now...
Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat