Communicate with your opponent here. Specify your time zone when referring to a time to meet, and use AM or PM, and state the numeric date, not just day of the week. If every week your opponent offers 3 or more days in the week to play, and you offer only one time to play on your day off, which your opponent can't make, this can be grounds to have you removed from the tourney for lack of effort/flexibility.
Scire hostis animum - Intelligere ludum - Nosce te ipsum - Prima moventur conciliat - Nolite errare
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: RIII - blaxxx v spavacz
May 9, 2016, 8:06 AM
Spavacz basically says:
Something came up so between now and Friday I can't play. I may still be able to play this weekend and also next week, but it's not confirmed yet, but I will let you know.
Scire hostis animum - Intelligere ludum - Nosce te ipsum - Prima moventur conciliat - Nolite errare