Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
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Solve the Hammer Opening for P1, & become a Pente Legend.
Dec 27, 2010, 11:14 AM
(PLEASE NOTE: Modern day Pente Master's do currently hold the following findings as being true and correct:
That The Hammer is Sure Loss for P1, and The Wedge is Sure Win for P1.)
The One who Solves The Hammer Opening for Player One shall be Known in Pente Forever...
Here are my current lines of study, to try and pull the sword from the stone of the hammer opening. I stop in these at O10, because from here is where the tree begins its width of complex branching potentials. here the study begins.
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In advance, i realize the question can arrise here of; what if black does L10 or K7 on the 5th?
yes worth looking at. and after looking at the older thread im worried about K7. tho,. i still feel K7 is worth trying to solve as well. if K7 can not be beaten then P1's M8 5th is a failure. same goes for the other 2 P2 5ths. all 3 of P2's 5ths must be beaten.
I chose to show M11 on the 5th, because it is the popular answer to P1's M8 5th. and after M11 is played, the moves P1 does are rather forcing you might notice.
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Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
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Re: Solve the Hammer Opening for P1, & become a Pente Legend.
Dec 28, 2010, 10:49 AM
So, i played a game with kolia. although i won as P1 as youll see here in this game, i noticed something on the 10th move that caught my interest. i saw that N11 for P2 on 10th looked rather promising.
heres my game vs kolia.
here are some variations of my idea for P2 to play N11 on the 10th. P2 wins this line, which means P1's 6th at L8 is busted. if another strong 6th for P1 to replace this with can not be found then it will mean that P1's 5th at M8 is also busted. further study will be required to rule out M8 5th.
out of these 3, the last one is the best variation. i almost thought P1 was goina pull through here, but then i found the creative Q8 move for P2 at the end.
To be continued.....
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Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
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Re: Solve the Hammer Opening for P1, & become a Pente Legend.
Dec 28, 2010, 11:49 AM
well,.. after countless moves ive rolled through here, im pretty sure M11 beats M8. at some point when im done ill upload a move file of all the moves ive looked at for this opening over the last couple of days. it will be available for public down load.
in the mean time,.. im now looking into other P1 5ths. possibly L8 for P1 5th. not sure yet.
probably P2 for sure wins the hammer. but you just don't know unless you search every nook and cranny. so im just checking, again.. lol. and at the same time,.. hoping i find a miracle.
kinda like looking at 3 leaf clovers,.. as a kid i would stare at them for some time,.. searching for a 4 leaf clover hiding in the field. i knew i would not find one,.. yet i continued to look any ways lol.
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Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
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Re: Solve the Hammer Opening for P1, & become a Pente Legend.
Dec 28, 2010, 2:35 PM
heh.. check this out. jozso vs jhs55. completely different opening and mid game but arrive at all identical moves from whites 10th through to blacks 18th. and if jhs had seen my move idea, he would had won vs jozso there.
this was the closest any ones gotten to the hammer line shown above that i figured out. probably one of P2's toughest to figure out lines for the hammer so far discovered.
any how...
P2 should had played G8 on the 18th for the win.
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Re: Solve the Hammer Opening for P1, & become a Pente Legend.
Dec 29, 2010, 5:34 AM
This is what I came up with on the board with p1's last move at O10. Forgive me because I do not have the vision like the masters do but here is my input. I feel M10 for p1 is the key. P2 moves o7 p1 m10, p2 L10, p1 n12, p2 L10, p1 p7, p2 o8, p1 L11, p2 L10, p1 n9.
Same scenario for p2 L11, p1 m10, p2 L10, p1 n12, p2 L10, p1 p7, p2 O8, p1 N9
If p2 plays M10 it gets more complicated... p2 m10, p1 n11, p2 n12, p1 n11, p2 m12, p1 q8, p2 r7, p1 m10, p2 L9, p1 p7, p2 08, p1 m13, p2 m12, p1 n9, p2 trade traps and p1 on top. When p2 played L9 could have played 012 but p1 p7 and after a block p1 plays m13.
I know there are a lot of hypotheticals here and this is just continuing the game from o 10. I know I didn't solve anything but just my take from that point. I don't have the pente vision like the reds but trying to study the game a little bit. Look forward to the reply because there is probably something I missed.
Specifically, the second set of links, on the pages labelled 25 - 28 provides a great discussion about the hammer that I found to be immensely helpful when I was learning the game.
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
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Re: Solve the Hammer Opening for P1, & become a Pente Legend.
Dec 29, 2010, 10:57 AM
smithd > This is what I came up with on the board with p1's > last move at O10.
which board? there are 3 variations that lead to O10 in my first post. top board? middle board? bottom board?
if i know which one i can make your moves into a viewable board, and discuss them. although you really should consider learning how to make your own viewable board so others don't have to.
also,.. in the new variation i found (inspired by kolia), that first version going to O10 is a moot point now, because the line is busted by the new variation line.
but, none the less, i am interested to view and discuss my original idea with you since i did pose the question, and it is a rather interesting position i thought.
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Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: Solve the Hammer Opening for P1, & become a Pente Legend.
Dec 30, 2010, 12:14 AM
@ watsu, Rollie has been busy with his csi game project i assume. i have his email, i might send him a message sometime soon to see where hes at.
@up2ng, thanks for the links. i read it a bit. i just have a issue with the R3U2 kinda coordinates. and was too lazy to translate 200 of these into viewable form. i think it would be very nice to one day translate all that text into clear text, and to make all the moves into viewable boards. it would really come to life if we did that. to take it a step further would be to make a video of it narrating the story of it, along with pictures..
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Re: Solve the Hammer Opening for P1, & become a Pente Legend.
Dec 30, 2010, 3:06 AM
Yes Zoey, it was the top board. It took me a while to look at that one board and I haven't had the chance to look at the other two. Thanks for putting my results on the board for me, I have a different board and didn't know how to post it. Also to UP2NG thanks for the links to the hammer, I have a better understanding about it now.