Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
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Zoeyk's PUZZLE Page
Oct 28, 2008, 11:36 AM
Here is a semi easy one to start off with as a warm up,.. i will add more complex puzzles when i have time. enjoy.
White to move.
Note; black has a captured pair of whites stones already.
Can white win this?
If so how many moves does it take for white to win (minimum)?
Is it by pente or by captures?
What are the only 2 cross coordinants possible for white to place its winning stone? (if it even can win, hehehe)
Or is it really black's win in the end?
Ps... there may or may not be extra stones added to this puzzle to cofuse you, sorry in advance if that breaks a puzzle rule. I didn't want it to be too easy.
Congratulations toWatsu!
Up2ng was so close to solving this.
Here is Watsu's solution to the "Yosu-miru" Puzzle. and a comment from Watsu;
black has a few choices (doesn't have to capture/has a choice of captures and which end to block (or whether to block at all) on the open tessera) but none of the choices make a difference in white's line. Nice puzzle.
Ps... there may or may not be extra stones added to this puzzle to cofuse you.
Congratulations toUp2ng!
and a comment from Up2ng; I personally found this one to be easier than the other one. I did eventually get the other one before you posted the solution, but I was aware that watsu had already solved it. He's good with puzzles
A13, A10, C8, G4, J6, M3, P6, O7, P6 (replace), L10, O13, R16, Q17, N17, K17, G14, D17, E17, D17 (replace), A17 or F17 Pente. (White loses 4 captures during this process, but not 5.)
Ok so i decided to make a very simple puzzle (super easy)
White to move
Eliminate black's double threat of the two 3s by capturing across them, and then create your own double threat and win by Pente in 20 moves! enjoy
Congratulations toUp2ng!
A17, A13, A9, A7, A3, A1, C1, G1, K4, N7, L9, G13, K16, M14, Q10, T7* ... then T10, Q13, P12, O11 or T16 Pente. OR T4, P4, P5, P1 or P6 Pente. OR Q13, R9 or P9 (block), P12 or P14, O11 or T16 or O15 or O10 Pente. OR P4, R9 or P9 (block), Q4 or P5, O4 or T4 or P1 or P6 Pente.
NEW Puzzle!
BRAIN FREEZE by zoeyk no captures yet, Black to move, who wins?
Message was edited by: zoeyk at Oct 11, 2010 9:46 PM
Scire hostis animum - Intelligere ludum - Nosce te ipsum - Prima moventur conciliat - Nolite errare
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: Zoeyk's PUZZLE Page
Oct 28, 2008, 2:36 PM
i'm curious to see who will be the first to solve this.
feel free to comment, but if you want to share the full solution line, message it to me and ill post it here in a upside down text format for people to view if they really want, but with out accedently spoiling it for others. thanks.
and if you need a hint, let me know, i can add some hints if needed.
Scire hostis animum - Intelligere ludum - Nosce te ipsum - Prima moventur conciliat - Nolite errare
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: Zoeyk's PUZZLE Page
Oct 28, 2008, 10:34 PM
wow up2ng found a second solution i didnt mean to be there,.. so ive removed the G1 stone to eliminate this error. well done up2ng! and good luck to you to find the solution remaining.
Scire hostis animum - Intelligere ludum - Nosce te ipsum - Prima moventur conciliat - Nolite errare
Re: Zoeyk's PUZZLE Page
Oct 29, 2008, 4:13 AM
okay, I've got A solution and it looks pretty minimal as far as I can see. Will send it to you in a few minutes after I get it typed out... sent you my solution; nice puzzle.
Message was edited by: watsu at Oct 28, 2008 10:30 PM
Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: Zoeyk's PUZZLE Page
Oct 29, 2008, 9:43 AM
Congratulations toWatsu!
Up2ng was so close to solving this.
Here is Watsu's solution to the "Yosu-miru" Puzzle. and a comment from Watsu;
black has a few choices (doesn't have to capture/has a choice of captures and which end to block (or whether to block at all) on the open tessera) but none of the choices make a difference in white's line. Nice puzzle.
Re: Zoeyk's PUZZLE Page
Nov 1, 2008, 9:33 AM
Hmm, I think I have a double cap solution in 13 moves on this; I'll send it along for your perusal shortly... ETA- NM, that solution assumes some things which might not be valid; i.e. if a double cap and/or 10 for white negates a solution then it doesn't work out... but will send along shortly a workable 14 move solution which doesn't involve either 10 stones or a double cap for white
Message was edited by: watsu at Nov 1, 2008 3:45 AM
Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat
Re: Zoeyk's PUZZLE Page
Nov 2, 2008, 4:02 AM
"im determined to eventually stump watsu and up2ng for a good week lol." I don't know what it would take to stump Up for a good week, but there's a certain type of Pente puzzle which, if you make one, is quite likely to stump me at least. A few examples of that type of puzzle include Quincunx, Teshera, No Snakes and Ninthlife. Examples of ones which are easier for me personally to solve are ones like Jumpin721's puzzles, and say the first 3/4 or so of the solution of my big poof puzzle. If I hadn't had the inspiration for the last 7 moves of that puzzle come to me (in its original form) I seriously doubt I would have been able to solve that part of it as a puzzle myself...
Message was edited by: watsu at Nov 1, 2008 10:03 PM
Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat
Re: Zoeyk's PUZZLE Page
Nov 2, 2008, 12:56 PM
Okay, I give up on Pazuru. It just seems a bit too artificial for my taste, restricting white and blacks playing lines, etc. I guess I must prefer puzzles which don't require such a lot of rules in order to arrive at the "correct solution".
Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat