Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
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Re: Time to sign up! Q.F.S.P. Tourney # 3
Feb 20, 2008, 12:43 AM
once a month on the 5th,..fine by me. however that won't always fall on the same day of the week. I think pentefun is proposing a set day of the week. so how about the first saturday or sunday of every month? just throwing an idea out there.
its all up to you guys. perhaps more people can post there ideas of a schedule that's more fair for all.
Scire hostis animum - Intelligere ludum - Nosce te ipsum - Prima moventur conciliat - Nolite errare
Mar 12, 2005
Ames, IA
Re: Time to sign up! Q.F.S.P. Tourney # 3
Feb 20, 2008, 12:58 AM
honestly, this next month is really bad for me anytime. Like you said people don't read the board, so we need to get people to read the board before your questions will be answered
Re: Time to sign up! Q.F.S.P. Tourney # 3
Feb 20, 2008, 2:32 AM
Hell with the Polish!!! Let them have their own Speed Tourney. I don't like playing them anyway, they beat up on me to bad. My point being I don't think Zoeyk has exclusive rights to holding Speed Pente Tournaments. Have several around the world and qualifying champions meet 1-4 times a year for the world champ. Just kidding about the Polish, but do understand that many of the best are there. The World Pente Federation????
Re: Time to sign up! Q.F.S.P. Tourney # 3
Feb 20, 2008, 7:39 AM
Hey I hosted and managed three great tournaments a year ago. But nowadays school and work take up most of my time. I'm kinda phasing pente out. But I'll still play a speed pente tourmament anytime I have time (weekdends are best for me (excluding Sunday night), and Thursday nights are fine too.)
It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.