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Topic: Turn-based TODO list
Replies: 36   Views: 84,540   Pages: 3   Last Post: Oct 13, 2006, 3:45 PM by: dweebo

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Turn-based TODO list
Posted: Aug 11, 2005, 11:20 PM

So here is my list of features/bugs to fix for turn-based games. Please feel feel to suggest things you don't see here.

x 1. be able to view completed games through a players profile (turn-based)
x 2. d-pente
3. optional email notifications of when its your turn or you have invitations
4. list of games - sortable
5. player is online indicator
x 6. auto-refresh game list
7. invitation restrictions (ratings, games, etc.)
i.e. i want to post an open invite but only to players
with rating > 1700
8. when making moves, go to next game (or select a game)
x 9a. weekend days
x 9b. vacation days
10. tournament support
11. internationalization of dates/times
12. upon login go to tb page if have games
x 13. game over messages should link to completed game
x 14a. game over messages could show ratings change
x 14b. game over message should include why game ended (timeout, win or resignation)
x 14c. game over message should include any final message written by a player
15. allow message length > 256
16. replace spaces in messages with html formatted
x 17. resign functionality
x 18. option to have DSG messagebox messages sent also via email
19. allow back/forth view of DSG messagebox (to break up large # of messages)
20. advanced text messages - bold/italics/colorize/emoticons (this sort of works now but not intuitive)
x 21. add link to invite player to game from their profile
x 22. waiting games doesn't display both games in set sometimes
x 23. allow inviting someone to a set so that they have to accept both game in set. also this affects ratings (up2ng)
x 24. fix emoticons for forums (i messed them up when creating forums)
x 25. cancel game option (richardiii)
x 25a. public/private option for unrated games (up2ng)
x 26. fix player rankings to show turn-based rankings
x 27. Color code different games (teefo, richardiii)
x 28. bug fix keryo overline not a win problem (partica)
x 29. when game over DSG messages sent, if you have the option enabled to email you both messages you receive and send you get 2 copies of message (one saying you won, one you lost).
30. Allow players to set background color, stone colors, 3d/flat stones for all turn-based games.
x 31. bug fix d-pente swap not stored to db
x 32. Allow game board to be detached from browser window into a new window and then resized, and/or allow user to choose a larger default size (lepews).
x 33. Win percentage in sets but don't count draws as a loss (karlw).
34. Double-game timeout at same time can cause double ratings change (lepews).


Pente Rocks!


Posts: 751
Registered: Mar 1, 2002
From: My Own Lil World Mostly
Age: 43
Re: Turn-based TODO list
Posted: Aug 12, 2005, 1:34 AM

I have noticed that a lot of the links on the left side are duplicated....and also, can you move the Pente Board Game section to the right side of the screen? Seems to be kind of out of order...stats should be higher!

Also with the addition of turn based here, I think the database ought to be reserved for members that make donations! That would increase donations and also prevent them from using it during turn based games some. At least if people are going to cheat get some $$$ out of it! LOL

Also, when creating a new game with the option of play a set, the set should go to the same opponent not just post two games to the waiting room...maybe one should be posted then at the end of that game the other starts!

Message was edited by: partica at Aug 11, 2005 7:36 PM

Message was edited by: partica at Aug 11, 2005 7:38 PM


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Re: Turn-based TODO list
Posted: Aug 12, 2005, 1:54 AM

Which links are duplicated? I don't see that i guess. I kind of want the board game there so people click it and buy the game which makes money for the site

I'm still undecided about whether or not the database can be used for turn-based. That may sound odd but I see the value in that more than real-time. I'm sure we can discuss that in another topic, though having the database donor-only would certainly get me some more cash.

As for having set go to the same opponent you're absolutely correct, I'll add that to the list. That was one of the first things I added and I was just trying to keep it simple I think.

Pente Rocks!

Posts: 751
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From: My Own Lil World Mostly
Age: 43
Re: Turn-based TODO list
Posted: Aug 12, 2005, 2:39 AM

well maybe 'documentation', 'contact', and 'site search' could be moved over to the right side then, the window is so long, there used to be more on the right I thought! No big deal either way really. It issssss your site, create it how you want! LOL

Anyway, thank you for all your hard work...the site gets better and better every update!


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From: My Own Lil World Mostly
Age: 43
Re: Turn-based TODO list
Posted: Aug 12, 2005, 3:27 AM

I can't seem to get to the tournament room without going to the main first? Did you take out the page between that allowed you to select which room? Just curious not a complaint or a change request! LOL


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Re: Turn-based TODO list
Posted: Aug 13, 2005, 6:02 PM

Peter, do you have any plans to Color Code the games in any way, to make an Obvious distinction between.. say, Keryo, and Pente? I know you can scroll to top of page, on left, and view the Game you're playing, and that works for me.. sometimes. lol
I was just curious...


Posts: 751
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From: My Own Lil World Mostly
Age: 43
Re: Turn-based TODO list
Posted: Aug 13, 2005, 6:14 PM

The name of the game is written on the board itself, if that helps you any teefo!


Posts: 751
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Age: 43
Re: Turn-based TODO list
Posted: Aug 13, 2005, 7:41 PM

dweebo, how does one view the turn based ratings? Just something I thought of after finishing my first turn based game against teefo...it shows up in the database but I don't see anything different on the ratings/rankings page. Just thought I would mention that.


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Re: Turn-based TODO list
Posted: Aug 14, 2005, 2:16 PM

This is most excellent to see Dweebo. Since you did ask, I'll make a dream suggestion here. I'd love to be able to play D-poof pente or D-keryo pente or D-poof-G-keryo pente! I'm sure it's not going to be high up on the priority list, but I just thought I'd throw it into the mix.

Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat

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Re: Turn-based TODO list
Posted: Aug 15, 2005, 7:37 AM

I think a cancel game option would be good (especially for my buggy not quite D-pente games!)

Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat

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Re: Turn-based TODO list
Posted: Aug 15, 2005, 3:21 PM

partica, turn-based rankings are not available yet, will add to the todo. You can at least view a single players turn-based ratings on their profile page for now.


Pente Rocks!

Posts: 751
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From: My Own Lil World Mostly
Age: 43
Re: Turn-based TODO list
Posted: Aug 15, 2005, 7:05 PM

Cool, kmbailey and a few others were asking so I thought I would throw it out there! LOL Thank you for your prompt response! Now I know what to tell them!


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Re: Turn-based TODO list
Posted: Aug 18, 2005, 12:37 AM

What about allowing an option for games to be assigned public, or private, with public allowing other players viewing access during game play? A main room list of current games would be needed for access and review.


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Re: Turn-based TODO list
Posted: Aug 18, 2005, 3:11 AM

Yes that is probably a good idea. When you think of a private game though, does that mean

1. not viewable ever (including not viewable in game database)
2. not viewable while game in progress, but viewable afterwards in players profile and game db? (current system)


Pente Rocks!

Posts: 388
Registered: Dec 8, 2002
From: Huntsville, Alabama
Age: 67
Re: Turn-based TODO list
Posted: Aug 18, 2005, 4:42 AM

I was thinking of it being just like you have the real-time rooms set up, and if the players did not want their game to be posted in the db, then an option to cancel would be great. I have often played games with certain players for the express purpose of trying experimental ideas with mutually agreed upon plans to cancel before finishing. This would be great in turn base too. It's a great study environment.

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