May 9, 2002
Northeast USA
Re: rollie tesh is browsing
May 1, 2010, 2:02 AM
Hey guys,
I updated the boards on page 8 with the latest moves, it's rollie's turn in Game 1 and Game 3 now (unless I already missed a reply somewhere in the thread). I will repost all three games soon so we don't have to keep moving back to previous pages to see them.
I think I'm sort of on the same page with Rollie about moving forward. Treat this simply as analysis rather than a competitive game and just play through the moves relatively quickly. Doing it this way instead of playing multiple moves at once, or asking for what moves he would make in advance if we were to play a certain way is just, well, easier and less confusing to folks following and participating in the analysis I think. As Rollie said, we can easily go back afterwards and try new lines and discuss strategies and concepts behind these moves afterwards.
In that light, I would like to get moving on Game #2 soon and then remember this point to come back to and try something else later. In fact, we know that we already want to take a look at another 2nd move later, the draw move creating the diagonal pair of stones for black. So, I'll try to catch up with zoey in the lobby so that we can quickly move on with this one. Game 1 and Game 3 should be ready for now.
I was not really overthinking Game 1 so much as I just haven't really checked in here for a bit. I'm in a similar situation where I go through stretches of having more time and stretches of being busy for a while, so sometimes I do disappear for a bit.
What do you think of Game 1 so far? I assume this is exactly what you expected and played your 3rd move accordingly. We'll see how effective that 3rd move was in countering this attack.
Mar 4, 2007
San Francisco
45 Home page
Re: rollie tesh is browsing
May 1, 2010, 2:24 AM
rollie, we only need 3 boards,.. whom ever makes the boards is responsible to edit them every time a move is requested to be made. since up2ng is a administrator, if you make a board then both he and you can edit it, because admins have the power to edit other peoples posts. im not a admin so i can't. so either i make the boards, or you do,.. and up2ng will assist in editing if the board maker is away for too long, or if up2ng has a move of his own to make. below the person's post with the 3 boards, we make a single post each, and we edit that post with new moves announcing that we are ready for the boards to be updated by someone.
this is the method to not flood the thread with one million posts....
thats the basic code, you need to remove the spaces by both "game" words [ game] and [/game ] contain spaces i had placed there so the code would be visiable for you to copy.
where it says wn=peter this is white name, so player one's name. you may type just about any name you like to have appear on the board. the same is for bn=dweebo, this means black name, so here for player 2 you may chose a name to show on the board,
the w=480, this means you are asking that the boards width be 480 pixels wide, the h=260 means the boards height is 260 pixels high.
these are both very small diameters. i recommend the following, w=780 h=630
that will make a full size board, very easy to see
the m=K10, means moves. so you just type the moves in order as black and white alternate turns. you need to use capitol letters and put comas in-between moves, and do not put any spaces in-between comas and moves.
the g=Pente, this means game type. so if you put for example g=Boat-pente you will get a blue board that functions with different rules.
as far as analysis room, im not sure, maybe you mean analysis forum?
May 9, 2002
Northeast USA
Re: rollie tesh is browsing
May 1, 2010, 2:25 AM
Ok, I'm just going to make a decision for now on Game #2. We are all popping in and out when we have the time which makes live communication a bit difficult and slow and I don't want this dragging on to the point that everyone loses interest.
I've decided to play the move that was the original idea behind this defense. 4 ... O7
Mainly, the reason I'm moving forward with this choice rather than the other choice we were considering is that I wanted you to see the idea behind this and prompt some interesting discussion about the concepts and strategies behind openings like this. In general, I believe it forces vastly different skills and strategies to be utilized by Player 1 than most players are used to or are familiar with.
If zoey strongly objects to this move we reserve the right to take it back! Hehe. Let's remember to come back to move 4 (and move 2) afterwards and look at an alternative approach.
The boards are all updated for you Rollie on page 8 and will be reposted soon.
I'll also try to give a quick answer on creating a game applet rather than just a board position when I have more time.
Ok, here are the current positions:
Game #1
Game #2
Game #3
Message was edited by: up2ng at Apr 30, 2010 8:27 PM
Re: rollie tesh is browsing
May 1, 2010, 7:35 AM
Thanks up2ng, this will work well. One advantage of playing a few games this way is that it gives me an opportunity to re-remember things I've forgotten. Therefore I'll be somewhat back in form for timed-games. Thanks.
up2ng, I wonder if it is possible to do two things:
1) Can you add the move-scroll bar to the right in the diagrams? This way someone like Gary can play through the game to understand the direction it is going.
2) Guys, this thread is getting long. I wonder if it might be possible to start a new forum thread. In this way the diagrams will be at the beginning. You can call it something like "Rollie's analysis page".
Here is my next move in each of the three games:
GAME 1 (EDIT: up2ng, I want to spend a little more time here. Originally I was intending to play 5) M11, but then decided to post 5) M8. Now I'm undecided. Frankly, I was expecting 4) ... M11 5) P8. I'll decide between M11 and M8 soon.)
GAME 2 (I'll use "IF/THEN" moves here to speed things up. Deviate at any point you wish) 5) G9 IF/THEN: 5) ... G7 6) G12, G11 7) H10
GAME 3 (btw, up2ng, the game had actually progressed one move beyond the diagram. The complete moves are here, with my next move) 3) N12, N9 4) O10
(btw, zoeyk, O10 was the move I originally made, then took back. I've decided to stick with it.)
Message was edited by: rollietesh at May 1, 2010 3:01 AM
Re: rollie tesh is browsing
May 1, 2010, 9:13 AM
5) M10
There is one specific line here for you that looks to me like your best shot. Assuming that you play that line, I'm going to make an outlandish prediction here, just for fun:
P1 wins on captures in exactly 10 moves (on move 15).
Likely you will instead embarrass me for predicting that
Rollie ___________________
Sorry, I should have given an "IF" move here since your move is forced:
GAME 3 5) M10, IF/THEN 5) ... L10 6) M13
Message was edited by: rollietesh at May 1, 2010 3:16 AM
Re: rollie tesh is browsing
May 1, 2010, 5:08 PM
up2ng, In GAME 1 I've decided to stick with my original instinct and play 5) M11. And if you play 5) ... J11, I'll answer with 6) L8.
So, here are full CURRENT POSITIONS:
GAME 1: 1) K10, N8 2) N10, L6 3) L9, M7 4) O9, P8 5) M11 (up2ng to move)
GAME 2: 1) K10, N8 2) G10, N6 3) G8, N7 4) N9. O7 5) G9 (zoeyk/up2ng to move)
GAME 3: 1) K10, K9 2) N10, M8 3) N12, N9 4) O10, L7 5) M10 (zoeyk to move) (IF 5) ... L10, THEN 6) M13
zoeyk, thanks for the concise info on how to create diagrams with the move-scroll bar. I started to do that here, but thought I'd leave it to up2ng for consistency. Also, do you guys think it okay to start a new forum page, beginning with those diagrams? If so, up2ng, can you please set that up, and with move-scrolls? This will make it much easier for people like Gary to follow.
Message was edited by: rollietesh at May 1, 2010 11:37 AM
Re: rollie tesh is browsing
Apr 2, 2019, 3:04 AM
Wow, I just discovered this thread. Very sad I missed this event; I was still checking in perioidically in 2010 and would've been able to contribute. Rollie's win in Game #3 (the M8 game) was absolutely insane. I really do love that line: it made me into a hardcore devotee of the "knight's move" defense and was the main field of battle between zoey and I for a long long while.
It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.
That's the difference between live and TB, of course. Who could manage to see that sw in a live game or predict that the game would have headed to that position beforehand?
Retired from TB Pente, but still playing live games & exploring variants like D, poof and boat